Welcome to the PTO
Welcome to the PTO
Welcome to the TCGIS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization that enriches the Twin Cities German Immersion School.
Our Mission: The TCGIS PTO is an organization whose purpose is to strengthen, enhance and encourage the education and social environment of Twin Cities German Immersion School. Our goals are meant to complement the school curriculum and teachers while fostering community with opportunities for students, families, and staff to learn, socialize, communicate, and grow. Our 2023/2024 Goals:
Events and Fundraisers
We run events that support our staff (staff appreciation), support our school (fundraising), and support our families (community building).
>>Find event descriptions and dates Finances
A significant portion of the PTO budget (over 50% in most years) is provided to the school as grants to support teachers, educational activities, and school functions. >>Review the PTO budget, guidelines for its use, and the purpose of the enrichment funds
MeetingsThe PTO holds public meetings in September, November, February, April, and May. Meetings are usually on Thursday evening with the last meeting on a Sunday. All dates will be on the calendar. Parents and guardians of enrolled students, together with the school's staff, are all welcome to join us at the next PTO meeting.
>>Find meeting dates, agendas, and minutes from past meetings OrganizationThe PTO is led by an executive team of volunteers that is elected yearly and oversees the committees that run the PTO activities, events, and fundraisers. We are all parents and guardians, just like you. Please join us – the more, the merrier!
>>Read about the committees and their focus, the names of the executive team, and the PTO Bylaws Connect with the PTOFor the latest information on events and volunteer needs:
We always welcome and encourage volunteers. Volunteering is a great way to meet and make friends! Here is a short list of volunteer opportunities:
Email [email protected] or attend the next PTO meeting to share your availability; we’d love to have you join us!
If you have any questions or would like more information about the PTO, don't hesitate to contact us.
PTO Calendar |
Membership |
Parents and guardians of enrolled students, together with the school's staff, may become TCGIS PTO members with voting rights, simply by attending a PTO meeting or requesting membership.
HistoryFormed in the fall of 2008, the TCGIS PTO is a natural outgrowth of the longstanding tradition of parent involvement at our school. We formed to help streamline some of the many volunteer activities at TCGIS, to better coordinate fundraising efforts, and to provide new ways for parents to engage as our school grows from year to year. The PTO formally organized as a Minnesota nonprofit corporation in March 2009.