Extended Care ProgramKinderclub is the TCGIS's extended care program. All students at the Twin Cities German Immersion School are eligible to register for care before and after school, as well as on early release days or school release days. If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected] or call at 651-999-3707.
Sign up on Regpack here. FormsKinderclub Enrollment
Before the start of a school year, all families planning to utilize the extended care service during the school year, are asked to complete a Kinderclub and Bus Registration Google Form for each student. Mid-year enrollments Families who are interested in enrolling in Kinderclub mid-year should contact Deysi Gerding-Futagaki for information on enrollment. Click here for 2024-2025 Kinderclub Handbook. |
Tuition Scholarships
Who is eligible for Kinderclub Tuition Scholarships?
Tuition scholarships are available for all families who qualify for educational benefits. Click here for more information on how to apply for educational benefits.
IMPORTANT: Please complete and return the confidentiality waiver before placing your first order.
Tuition scholarships are available for all families who qualify for educational benefits. Click here for more information on how to apply for educational benefits.
IMPORTANT: Please complete and return the confidentiality waiver before placing your first order.
Morning Care6:30am - 8:00am
Students have time to work on homework and play table games with German-speaking staff until their regular school day begins. After Care3:15pm - 6:00pm
Students continue to speak German after school during snack. Students then spend time with German-speaking staff in one of the following groups: |
Kinderclub Junior (K - 3rd grade):
Kinderclub Junior students have dedicated spaces and staff. Students may choose between a quiet space for homework, various games or crafts (free choice), and indoor or outdoor physical activities. Students may choose several activities throughout the afternoon under staff supervision. |
Kinderclub Senior(4th - 8th grade):
Kinderclub Senior students may choose between indoor/outdoor play, various games or crafts (free choice) or a quiet homework room. Students are allowed to move freely between activity areas as long as they sign in and out with staff. |
Full Day Care8:00am - 6:00pm
Kinderclub runs a full-day program on many non-school days. Students may choose between indoor physical activities, science projects or more elaborate craft and game activities. See the school calendar about which dates this service is provided. Early Release Care12:45pm - 3:15pm
Kinderclub activities vary on early school release days. Students will have the opportunity to go on walking field trips and participate in more elaborate craft and game activities on these days. |
We acknowledge and appreciate that TCGIS is located on Waȟpékhute (wah-PEH-koo-tay) Dakota traditional, ancestral, and contemporary homeland, near Lake Medewaka, in the land now known as Minnesota (Mni Sota Makoce). Read our full TCGIS Indigenous Land Acknowledgement here.
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HoursOffice Hours
School Year: Mon.-Fri. 8:00am-4:00pm Summer: Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-12:00pm |
Contact |
Address |
University of St. Thomas Charter Authorizing Program 2115 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Danielle Miller, Program Manager Phone: 952-649-1694 |